Monday, March 20, 2017

Documentary Pitch and Prematerials

Documentary: Military Family

Concept: A documentary on a military member and that member's role with the military family.

Title: Military Family

Tagline: Living with the military

Subject: Military tasks and accomplishments, and being a military family member.

Documentary Style: Realist with a little verite.

Script: The film will mostly be the interview of my military supervisor with some b-rolls to support the interview. The interview will be a close-mid shot of subject in her preferred environment. B-roll will be shots of activities the subject talks about in the interview. The location of the interview and the b-roll is at the military medical clinic at Grissom ARB (Air Reserve Base).

Poster: The poster represents the work activity that is performed at the clinic, but with some humorous attraction to show there is still some fun involved.

Style Book:

Location Photos: